Meet Julie Markwood Nordine

Julie, or "Pulie" as we call her, is the fourth sibling, and is probably the most recognizable of five of us.  Julie is a professional glass bead maker!  No, seriously.  If this is new to you like it was to me, then the fact that they call themselves "Lampworkers" is even more odd.

I'll let Julie explain it:
Lampworking is an ancient process which originally used wax or oil lamps to melt glass... hence the name LAMPWORK. Today’s bead artist has replaced the oil lamp with a fuel & oxygen torch and each bead is created from the inside out, by first carefully heating the colored glass rods to temperatures up to 1700 degrees Fahrenheit. Molten glass is then wrapped around a steel rod called a mandrel, color by color, layer by layer, beads are formed, decorated and finished in  the  flame, then placed in a high temperature digitally controlled kiln to anneal and cool slowly for many hours to ensure strength and longevity.  

Julie's business is called "Credit River Art Glass", which is an odd name until you understand that she lives with her family in Credit River Minnesota.

Julie can be found all over the USA visiting and showing at Lampwork shows and if ANYONE has a lamp burning she'll be there encouraging and learning.  Julie is essentially a glass sponge! 

Julie's web site is and you owe it to yourself to drop by and look through her galleries.   I also encourage you to visit her BLOG at

We're proud of you Pulie!

Click here to find Books on Lampwork

I finally got Julie to sit down in front of the camera for an interview. This video is posted on her Youtube channel, where she has shared dozens of her lampworking techniques. 

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