Markwood Products Inc. AKA: How The Siblings Came To Be

The photo at right was a screen shot of a fun conference call that took place Christmas day 2009.  In the photo, clockwise from the top right is Lisa, Julie, Jill, Jeri and yours truly, Scott.

Lisa and I live in the High Point NC area, Julie lives in Minnesota, and Jeri and Jill live in the Denver area.

To really understand us you need to know a little bit about where we come from.  We are all products of a sweet couple whom we lovingly refer to as "Markwood Products Inc.", which would make us all "Markwood Products". 

Mom and Dad have been "Having and Holding" since November 1958!  We all had the pleasure of watching our parents love each other and each of us through our countless struggles, joys, heartaches, highs, lows, loves, losses, and all along the way they were solid anchors that we knew without a shadow of a doubt would always be there for us.

Even more important to our growth was (and still is) their steadfast faith in Jesus.  Sure they've had days and periods of absolute suckyness, but they continue to teach us that no one ever said life here was going to be fair.  To quote my son:  "Never let your setbacks determine your destiny. We're called for greater things, & life's too short to dwell on the past."
I hope you get a chance to meet my folks someday, but if you don't I hope you'll see them when you meet one of us.

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